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Travelling by taxi is undoubtedly one of the most convenient, quick and safe ways to get from A to B without worrying about whether you'll get there on time, whether there's anywhere to park or whether you'll find your way to the location. But to make it enjoyable for everyone, it's important that passengers follow basic rules of conduct when riding in a taxi. As in public transport or any other public place, respect for the driver and the vehicle is essential.

Unfortunately, some customers unintentionally or intentionally violate good practices, which can lead to conflicts, penalties or even denial of transportation. In this article, we'll look at 7 basic rules of good taxi behavior that every passenger should follow to ensure a safe and relaxing ride for themselves and the driver.

1. Avoid rude and vulgar language towards the driver

Taxi drivers work hard to provide a quality and professional service to their customers, but sometimes they are faced with an unfair and abusive attitude on their part. Rude remarks, vulgar language or taunts not only create tension, but can also lead to the trip being terminated.

Always approach with respect - whether you've had a rough day or are under the influence of emotions, this is no reason to be impolite or aggressive. Everyone is going through something and everyone has personal issues that they have to deal with on a daily basis. It is for this reason that mutual respect is the key to an enjoyable and smooth ride. And with just a smile or a few kind words, you can make anyone's day a whole lot better.

2. Don't use an aggressive tone or verbal threats

Aggressive behavior in a taxi is definitely considered unacceptable and can embarrass both the driver and other passengers. Often customers try to force their opinions, make threats or get into conflicts over the route, fares or other issues. When you have a remark, we advise you to make it politely, without raising your voice. Remember that the driver is not your personal employee, but a professional who follows certain rules.

However, if you feel that your complaint has not been given enough attention or you have been unfairly served, you can always contact the company and make your objections known. Licensed taxi companies have feedback channels where customers can make a formal complaint and get assistance. This is the best way to get the issue resolved professionally and fairly.

3. Do not damage or contaminate the vehicle

The taxi is the driver's workplace and its condition is important to all passengers. It is their duty to leave it the way they found it. However, some customers, intentionally or not, cause damage to the vehicle that can significantly impair its appearance.

What is considered unacceptable?

  • Kicking the seats or doors;
  • Damage to upholstery;
  • Breaking windows;
  • Scratching the doors with sharp objects;
  • Opening doors sharply which may cause damage;
  • Deliberate soiling of the interior.

4. Do not smoke in the vehicle (unless permitted)

Smoking in a taxi is a serious offence, especially if the driver or taxi company has not given express permission. As well as leaving an unpleasant smell, smoke can be harmful to following passengers, including children or people with respiratory problems.

However, if you are going on a long-distance taxi journey and need a smoke break, it is better to ask the driver to make a short stop. Most drivers are willing to compromise as long as it doesn't significantly slow down the course and other customers are harmed by it.

5. Avoid consuming food and drink in the taxi

Consuming food and drink in a taxi can also be a problem, especially if you are not careful with them. Spilled drinks, crumbs or greasy foods can damage the upholstery and contaminate the vehicle. Also, some foods have specific pungent smells that linger for a long time and can create discomfort for following passengers.

What should you not do?

  • Eat sandwiches, chips, burgers or other greasy foods;
  • Drink coffee, juice or alcohol that may spill;
  • Leave leftover food or garbage in the vehicle.

However, if you are bringing food or drink with you, ask the driver if it is OK to consume it during the journey. If not, you'd better put them away and wait to get off.  

6. Do not raise your voice or distract the driver

Driving is a complex and responsible process that requires concentration and a calm environment. Customers who talk too loudly, have long phone conversations, shout or constantly move can distract the driver, reduce their visibility and create dangerous situations on the road.

What is unacceptable?

  • Constant loud phone conversations;
  • Arguments with other passengers or the driver;
  • Insistent giving of instructions that contravene the rules of the road;
  • Obstructing visibility in the interior mirror.

7. Do not get into a taxi in a visibly impaired condition

Taxi services are designed to provide safe and secure transportation. However, there are instances where some customers, are abusive, especially under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Drivers have the right to refuse a ride if the passenger is in an aggressive or dangerous condition. Additionally, people who are highly intoxicated can pose a risk to themselves as well as others on the road.

If you have consumed a large amount of alcohol, the best solution is to travel with an attendant to ensure you get home safely.

Respect makes the journey enjoyable for everyone

Travelling by taxi should be comfortable and relaxed for both the passenger and the driver. Observing the basic rules of good behavior not only makes the journey easier but also creates a better experience for everyone involved. Here are the most important rules, in summary:

  • Be courteous and respectful to the driver;
  • Do not smoke, eat or spill drinks in the car.
  • Do not speak aggressively or raise your voice;
  • Do not disturb the peace or damage the vehicle;
  • If you are under the influence of alcohol, do not travel alone.

We at Classic Taxi Company advise you to always follow the rules of good conduct in order to enjoy pleasant transportation without unnecessary problems.

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